
Jesus, “Your Deliverer” a book by RobertMacsArt.com

Audio book $4.00 || Book pdf with pictures $5.00|| Audio video book 720 x 480 low res

Revelation Chapters 1-10 The Exodus of the Church

Moses was just a reflection of Christ leading people out of slavery to evil.

Chapter 1 “The Witness”

Chapter 2 Christ is Called to Deliver the People

Chapter 3 Jesus calls His followers to Tribulation.

Chapter 4 The Antichrist

Chapter 5 Christ and the Throne

Chapter 6 The Nuclear Dance

Chapter 7 Rouge Planet Disaster

Chapter 8 Sixth Seal “Details of Rogue Planet with a Comet Tail Impact”

Chapter 9 Trumpet 1 “Wall of fire”

Chapter 10 Atlantic Ocean Impact

Chapter 11 Deep Impact North America

Chapter 12 Stinging Insects plague the Americas

Chapter 13  200 million man invasion

Chapter 14 The Little Book

Pray with Me


Walk the Tribulation is the practical theory to the Book of Revelation

Jesus Your Deliverer Book

Audio book $4.00 || Book pdf with pictures $5.00|| Audio video book 720 x 480 low res

Using Math, Science and faith God reveals His plan of Salvation through Tribulation